With the Comfy massage and heating cushion you can relax, take a moment for yourself. Ultimate relaxation through massage and infrared heat for feet, legs, neck, shoulders and back, and available in various trendy colors. Choose the Original Comfy massage cushion for a combination of massage with infrared heat, or choose our latest Supreme, which can also be used separately on the reverse side of the cushion as just an infrared heating cushion.
Comfy Original Suede massage cushion rechargeable.
The Comfy massage cushion is unique, due to the fact that it is a really soft Suede cushion with a fully integrated massage system.
The exterior is made of soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric and these cushions are also available in a soft fur version. This makes the Comfy cushion very easy to use on any sofa or chair.
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. The Comfy massage cushion is traditionally available in two versions, the standard version with infrared heating and the rechargeable - so it can also be used wirelessly - version with infrared heating. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge. The warranty period on the cushion is 2 years.
Additional information
This Comfy massage cushion is a rechargeable version, with integrated infrared heating system.
After approximately 2.5 hours of full charging, the rechargeable cushion can be used wirelessly anywhere for 1.5 hours.
The pillow is applicable:
– Underfoot. – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs. – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension. – Under the head on the other side, than where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages.
Energy consumption 20 watts. Weight 1500 grams. Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm. Voltage DC 12 volts. Adapter 230 Volt DC 12V. (adapter)
Comfy Orginal Suede massage cushion rechargeable - including adapter
Order the Comfy Orginal Suede cushion rechargeable here.
Comfy Orginal Suede cushion rechargeable.
€ 159,00
order online
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion rechargeable.
The Comfy massage cushion is unique, due to the fact that it is a really soft fur cushion with a fully integrated massage system.
The exterior is made of soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric and these cushions are also available in a soft fur version. This makes the Comfy cushion very easy to use on any sofa or chair.
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. The Comfy massage cushion is traditionally available in two versions, the standard version with infrared heating and the rechargeable - so it can also be used wirelessly - version with infrared heating. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge. The warranty period on the cushion is 2 years.
Additional information
This Comfy massage cushion is a rechargeable version, with integrated infrared heating system.
After approximately 2.5 hours of full charging, the rechargeable cushion can be used wirelessly anywhere for 1.5 hours.
The pillow is applicable:
– Under the feet. – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs. – Lower back and shoulders, in case of stiffness or tension. – Under the head on the opposite side from where the massage system is, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages.
Energy consumption 20 watts. Weight 1500 grams. Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm. Voltage DC 12 volts. Adapter 230 Volt DC 12V. (adapter)
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion - including adapter
Order the Comfy Orginal Rechargeable Fur Pillow here.
Comfy Orginal pillow Fur rechargeable
€ 159,00
order online
Comfy Orginal Suede massage cushion standard.
The Comfy massage cushion is unique, due to the fact that it is a really soft Suede cushion with a fully integrated massage system.
The exterior is made of soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric and these cushions are also available in a soft fur version. This makes the Comfy cushion very easy to use on any sofa or chair.
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. The Comfy massage cushion is traditionally available in two versions, the standard version with infrared heating and the rechargeable - so it can also be used wirelessly - version with infrared heating. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge. The warranty period on the cushion is 2 years.
The pillow is applicable:
– Underfoot. – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs. – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension. – Under the head on the other side, than where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages.
Energy consumption 20 watts. Weight 1500 grams. Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm. Voltage DC 12 volts. Adapter 230 Volt DC 12V. (adapter)
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion standard
Order the Comfy Orginal Suede standard cushion here.
Comfy Orginal Suede cushion standard.
€ 135,00
order online
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion standard.
The Comfy massage cushion is unique, due to the fact that it is a really soft Suede cushion with a fully integrated massage system.
The exterior is made of soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric and these cushions are also available in a soft fur version. This makes the Comfy cushion very easy to use on any sofa or chair.
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. The Comfy massage cushion is traditionally available in two versions, the standard version with infrared heating and the rechargeable - so it can also be used wirelessly - version with infrared heating. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge. The warranty period on the cushion is 2 years.
The pillow is applicable:
– Underfoot. – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs. – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension. – Under the head on the other side, than where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages.
Energy consumption 20 watts. Weight 1500 grams. Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm. Voltage DC 12 volts. Adapter 230 Volt DC 12V. (adapter)
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion standard
Order the Comfy Orginal Fur pillow standard here.
Comfy Orginal Fur pillow standard.
€ 135,00
order online
Comfy Supreme Suede massage cushion.
This is the latest top model from the Comfy collection! The front of the pillow consists of the familiar Comfy massage mechanism with integrated infrared heating system. But an additional infrared heating system is mounted on the back of the cushion with heat up to 42 degrees. The Comfy Supreme can therefore be used as a massage cushion with heating, but also as a heating cushion by simply turning it over (three different heat settings can be selected).
Just like the traditional Comfy massage cushion, this even more luxurious version is also available in soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric in various colors, as well as in various fur designs. The Comfy Supreme can only be used and charged wirelessly with the handy USB charger that is included. The pillow is shipped free of charge. The warranty period is 2 years.
Additional information
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. And on the other (convex) side, the Supreme can be used as an extra heating pad. In 3 positions, ranging from 28 to 42 degrees. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge.
After approximately 2.5 hours the pillow is fully charged and can be used for 1.5 hours.
The pillow can be used:
– Underfoot – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension – Under the head on the opposite side, from where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages. The covers are also available separately (see the Comfy covers section).
Energy consumption 20 watts Weight 1500 grams Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm Power input DC 12V 220V (with adapter)
Comfy Supreme Suede heating cushion.
Order the Comfy Supreme Suede heating cushion here.
Comfy Supreme Suede heating cushion.
€ 189,00
order online
Comfy Supreme fur massage cushion.
This is the latest top model from the Comfy collection! The front of the pillow consists of the familiar Comfy massage mechanism with integrated infrared heating system. But an additional infrared heating system is mounted on the back of the cushion with heat up to 42 degrees. The Comfy Supreme can therefore be used as a massage cushion with heating, but also as a heating cushion by simply turning it over (three different heat settings can be selected).
Just like the traditional Comfy massage cushion, this even more luxurious version is also available in soft, fur-like microfiber furniture fabric in various colors, as well as in various Suede versions. The Comfy Supreme can only be used and charged wirelessly with the handy USB charger that is included. The pillow is shipped free of charge. The warranty period is 2 years.
Additional information
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. And on the other (convex) side, the Supreme can be used as an extra heating pad. In 3 positions, ranging from 28 to 42 degrees. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge.
After approximately 2.5 hours the pillow is fully charged and can be used for 1.5 hours.
The pillow can be used:
– Underfoot – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension – Under the head on the opposite side, from where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages. The covers are also available separately (see the Comfy covers section).
Energy consumption 20 watts Weight 1500 grams Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm Power input DC 12V 220V (with adapter)
Comfy Supreme fur heat cushion.
Order the Comfy Supreme fur heating cushion here.
Comfy Supreme fur heat cushion.
€ 189,00
order online
Cervical massage cushion
The Cerviculus massage cushion is suitable for the massage of different parts of the body. Six soft heads provide relaxing kneading movements on the neck, shoulders, upper and lower part of the back. The Cerviculus massage cushion can also be used in various places on the arms and legs. If desired, the muscle can be kept warm by means of a built-in infrared heating element.
Two massages are possible: clockwise and the other way. These options are perceived as very different. The Cerviculus massage cushion is very handy and easy to place behind the body in any sofa or chair. By applying more or less pressure, you can determine the intensity of the massage yourself. Regular use of the Cerviculus massage cushion keeps the muscles flexible and reduces complaints such as RSI, stiffness, but also stress.
Available in Nijmegen and Uden for not €159.00 but €139.00
Cervical massage cushion Mandarin Spa Nijmegen Uden
Mandarin-Spa Nijmegen
van Peltlaan 309
6533 ZK Nijmegen
The Netherlans Phone number +31 24 350 23 60
E-mail: info@mandarin-spa-nijmegen.nl
Mandarin-Spa Uden
Neutronenlaan 38
5405 NH Uden
The Netherlans Phone number +31 413 288 820
E-mail: info@mandarin-spa-uden.nl
Opening hours
daily from 10:00
up to 22:00
Massage cushions Nijmegen and Uden.
Comfy: the unique massage and heating cushion
With the Comfy massage and heating cushion you can relax, take a moment for yourself. Ultimate relaxation through massage and infrared heat for feet, legs, neck, shoulders and back, and available in various trendy colors. Choose the Original Comfy massage cushion for a combination of massage with infrared heat, or choose our latest Supreme, which can also be used separately on the reverse side of the cushion as just an infrared heating cushion.
Comfy Orginal Suede massage cushion rechargeable - including adapter
Comfy Original Suede massage cushion rechargeable.
The Comfy massage cushion is unique, due to the fact that it is a really soft Suede cushion with a fully integrated massage system.
The exterior is made of soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric and these cushions are also available in a soft fur version. This makes the Comfy cushion very easy to use on any sofa or chair.
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. The Comfy massage cushion is traditionally available in two versions, the standard version with infrared heating and the rechargeable - so it can also be used wirelessly - version with infrared heating. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge. The warranty period on the cushion is 2 years.
Additional information
This Comfy massage cushion is a rechargeable version, with integrated infrared heating system.
After approximately 2.5 hours of full charging, the rechargeable cushion can be used wirelessly anywhere for 1.5 hours.
Order the Comfy Orginal Suede cushion rechargeable here.
Comfy Orginal Suede cushion rechargeable.
€ 159,00
Order online
The pillow is applicable:
– Underfoot. – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs. – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension. – Under the head on the other side, than where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages.
Energy consumption 20 watts. Weight 1500 grams. Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm. Voltage DC 12 volts. Adapter 230 Volt DC 12V. (adapter)
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion - including adapter
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion rechargeable.
The Comfy massage cushion is unique, due to the fact that it is a really soft fur cushion with a fully integrated massage system.
The exterior is made of soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric and these cushions are also available in a soft fur version. This makes the Comfy cushion very easy to use on any sofa or chair.
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. The Comfy massage cushion is traditionally available in two versions, the standard version with infrared heating and the rechargeable - so it can also be used wirelessly - version with infrared heating. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge. The warranty period on the cushion is 2 years.
Additional information
This Comfy massage cushion is a rechargeable version, with integrated infrared heating system.
After approximately 2.5 hours of full charging, the rechargeable cushion can be used wirelessly anywhere for 1.5 hours.
The pillow is applicable:
– Under the feet. – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs. – Lower back and shoulders, in case of stiffness or tension. – Under the head on the opposite side from where the massage system is, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages.
Energy consumption 20 watts. Weight 1500 grams. Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm. Voltage DC 12 volts. Adapter 230 Volt DC 12V. (adapter)
Order the Comfy Orginal Rechargeable Fur Pillow here.
Comfy Orginal pillow Fur rechargeable
€ 159,00
Order online
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion standard
Comfy Orginal Suede massage cushion standard.
The Comfy massage cushion is unique, due to the fact that it is a really soft Suede cushion with a fully integrated massage system.
The exterior is made of soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric and these cushions are also available in a soft fur version. This makes the Comfy cushion very easy to use on any sofa or chair.
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. The Comfy massage cushion is traditionally available in two versions, the standard version with infrared heating and the rechargeable - so it can also be used wirelessly - version with infrared heating. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge. The warranty period on the cushion is 2 years.
The pillow is applicable:
– Underfoot. – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs. – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension. – Under the head on the other side, than where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages.
Energy consumption 20 watts. Weight 1500 grams. Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm. Voltage DC 12 volts. Adapter 230 Volt DC 12V. (adapter)
Order the Comfy Orginal Suede standard cushion here.
Comfy Orginal Suede cushion standard.
€ 135,00
Order online
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion standard
Comfy Orginal Fur massage cushion standard.
The Comfy massage cushion is unique, due to the fact that it is a really soft Suede cushion with a fully integrated massage system.
The exterior is made of soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric and these cushions are also available in a soft fur version. This makes the Comfy cushion very easy to use on any sofa or chair.
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. The Comfy massage cushion is traditionally available in two versions, the standard version with infrared heating and the rechargeable - so it can also be used wirelessly - version with infrared heating. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge. The warranty period on the cushion is 2 years.
The pillow is applicable:
– Underfoot. – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs. – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension. – Under the head on the other side, than where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages.
Energy consumption 20 watts. Weight 1500 grams. Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm. Voltage DC 12 volts. Adapter 230 Volt DC 12V. (adapter)
Order the Comfy Orginal Fur pillow standard here.
Comfy Orginal Fur pillow standard.
€ 135,00
Order online
Comfy Supreme Suede heating cushion.
Comfy Supreme Suede massage cushion.
This is the latest top model from the Comfy collection! The front of the pillow consists of the familiar Comfy massage mechanism with integrated infrared heating system. But an additional infrared heating system is mounted on the back of the cushion with heat up to 42 degrees. The Comfy Supreme can therefore be used as a massage cushion with heating, but also as a heating cushion by simply turning it over (three different heat settings can be selected).
Just like the traditional Comfy massage cushion, this even more luxurious version is also available in soft, suede-like microfiber furniture fabric in various colors, as well as in various fur designs. The Comfy Supreme can only be used and charged wirelessly with the handy USB charger that is included. The pillow is shipped free of charge. The warranty period is 2 years.
Additional information
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. And on the other (convex) side, the Supreme can be used as an extra heating pad. In 3 positions, ranging from 28 to 42 degrees. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge.
After approximately 2.5 hours the pillow is fully charged and can be used for 1.5 hours.
The pillow can be used:
– Underfoot – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension – Under the head on the opposite side, from where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages. The covers are also available separately (see the Comfy covers section).
Energy consumption 20 watts Weight 1500 grams Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm Power input DC 12V 220V (with adapter)
Order the Comfy Supreme Suede heating cushion here.
Comfy Supreme Suede heating cushion.
€ 189,00
Order online
Comfy Supreme fur heat cushion.
Comfy Supreme fur massage cushion.
This is the latest top model from the Comfy collection! The front of the pillow consists of the familiar Comfy massage mechanism with integrated infrared heating system. But an additional infrared heating system is mounted on the back of the cushion with heat up to 42 degrees. The Comfy Supreme can therefore be used as a massage cushion with heating, but also as a heating cushion by simply turning it over (three different heat settings can be selected).
Just like the traditional Comfy massage cushion, this even more luxurious version is also available in soft, fur-like microfiber furniture fabric in various colors, as well as in various Suede versions. The Comfy Supreme can only be used and charged wirelessly with the handy USB charger that is included. The pillow is shipped free of charge. The warranty period is 2 years.
Additional information
The mechanism has been developed in such a way that a comfortable massage is obtained for several muscle groups of the body. Blood circulation is stimulated in a pleasant, relaxing way and the heads of the massage system become nice and warm over time due to the infrared heating system. And on the other (convex) side, the Supreme can be used as an extra heating pad. In 3 positions, ranging from 28 to 42 degrees. The pillow is of course supplied completely complete, including the adapter, and shipped free of charge.
After approximately 2.5 hours the pillow is fully charged and can be used for 1.5 hours.
The pillow can be used:
– Underfoot – Under calves and thighs, for tired legs – Lower back and shoulders, with stiffness or tension – Under the head on the opposite side, from where the massage system is located, for relaxation There are two massages to select, left and right. In terms of feeling, these are different massages. The covers are also available separately (see the Comfy covers section).
Energy consumption 20 watts Weight 1500 grams Dimensions 400 x 120 x 400 mm Power input DC 12V 220V (with adapter)
Order the Comfy Supreme fur heating cushion here.
Comfy Supreme fur heat cushion.
€ 189,00
Order online
Cervical massage cushion Mandarin Spa Nijmegen Uden
Cervical massage cushion
The Cerviculus massage cushion is suitable for the massage of different parts of the body. Six soft heads provide relaxing kneading movements on the neck, shoulders, upper and lower part of the back. The Cerviculus massage cushion can also be used in various places on the arms and legs. If desired, the muscle can be kept warm by means of a built-in infrared heating element.
Two massages are possible: clockwise and the other way. These options are perceived as very different. The Cerviculus massage cushion is very handy and easy to place behind the body in any sofa or chair. By applying more or less pressure, you can determine the intensity of the massage yourself. Regular use of the Cerviculus massage cushion keeps the muscles flexible and reduces complaints such as RSI, stiffness, but also stress.
Available in Nijmegen and Uden for not €159.00 but €139.00