The Swedish massage or relaxing massage is a massage that uses warm oil and effleurage technique. Unlike traditional Thai massage, this massage uses light to medium pressure. This massage gives you a total relaxation feeling.
Effects of Swedish massage.
By kneading and rubbing in the direction of the heart, blood circulation is stimulated. Waste materials are removed and the knots are removed from the muscles. The circulation is promoted and tired and tense muscles are relieved. It also works on the joints.
In addition to all the physiological benefits, a Swedish massage is also wonderfully relaxing for body and mind. This inner peace strengthens the self-healing capacity.
The Swedish massage is suitable for people with pain or blockages, but is also suitable for anyone who wants a deep relaxing massage. It's a pretty strong massage.
Swedish massage from € 45*
* From prices, see price list Give a gift? see gift voucher
Each room has its own shower and/or bath.
 | Swedish massage at Mandarin Spa Nijmegen Uden |